Saturday, February 21, 2015

Haiku Companions

This is Jean Hale. It would be hard to praise her enough for 
all the wonderful and cheerful help and support 
she has been to Yuki Teikei Haiku Society 
over many, many years. She served two long sessions 
as editor of our periodical GEPPO. 
I don't know how we would have managed 
many times to keep it coming out without her.
She did all this without wanting to show off
or make herself stand out in any way.
Her warm and gracious friendship
is treasured by all the members.
This picture was taken outside the Markham House
in San Jose's History Park after our meeting
there in February 2006.

Basho's friend, pupil and companion on some journeys, including the one to the far north, Oku no Hosomichi, was Sora (1648-1710.) His manuscript diary of the journey was rediscovered in 1943. Sora's record gives more details about that famous trip. Here are two of Sora's haiku which appear in Basho's account.

To and fro, to and fro,
Between the lines of barley,
The butterfly.

The stars on the pond;
Again the winter shower
Ruffles the water.

These translations appeared in
Simply Haiku: A Quarterly Journal of Japanese Short Form Poetry
Summer 2005, vol 3 no 2

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